NEW: Free delivery for orders over $125!

Thanksgiving Chicken?

We also offer our largest chickens (6.1 to 7.5 lbs), suitable for a small holiday feast. No deposit needed, just add to your cart!

Turkeys are Here!

Raised on fresh pasture, with non-GMO feed, and no chemicals or antibiotics

How to Get A Turkey

1 Set up a Account

All turkey orders will be processed through a Whiffletree account accessible ONLINE (for self-serve) or AT THE FARM STORE (if assistance is needed). Fill in your name and info, and then place a card on file that will be used for your deposit and the remainder of your turkey balance on pickup day.

2 Reserve Your Turkey

Choose your bird size and your pick up location: at the FARM STORE or at your regular NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY. (New to delivery? Learn more and find the nearest drop here. Please also be aware of the $0.35 /lb delivery fee)

Pay Your Deposit

3 Pick Up + Pay

FARM STORE PICK UP turkeys will be available beginning NOVEMBER 2. NEIGHBORHOOD DELIVERY turkeys will be included in the November delivery, scheduled for NOVEMBER 15, 16, 18, 19. The remainder of your turkey cost is calculated by weight, and paid using your card on file the day of pick up.

Turkey 101

Size and price, pick up options, tips, how they're raised and why it matters!

How Our Turkeys Are Raised


We raise all our turkeys on fresh pasture, and with no chemicals, antibiotics, or GMO feeds. We pride ourselves in regularly moving our turkeys into fresh pasture. This is the game-changing distinction between our birds and industrial organic grocery store birds. And it makes a world of difference, as the Turkeys get up to 40% of their nutrients off the pasture.

Why Pasture-Raised Matters

Happier, healthier birds. Check out the video below to find out more about why we, and other farmers, are going back to raising birds on fresh pasture daily.

Tips + Tricks

What size turkey do I need?

A good rule of thumb is around 1 lb of turkey per adult. That does not include leftovers, so if you want leftovers, plan for 2 or more pounds per adult!

Thawing Suggestions

Your turkey will come frozen. To thaw in a refrigerator: allow 24 hrs for every 5 lbs, to thaw in water: allow 3 hrs for every 5 lbs.

Cooking Suggestions

Pasture-raised Turkeys cook faster than industrial-raised turkeys. We highly recommend using a meat thermometer to cook to the appropriate temp, and not overcook. Generally we have found best cook times to be in the neighborhood of 8 to 10 minutes per pound.

With Half Turkeys , again we recommend using a meat thermometer. Surprisingly, its common to use twice the weight of a half turkey to determine cook time. For example, if your Half Turkey weighs 10 lbs, you'd use 20 lbs to determine your cook time (20 lbs x 8 to 10 minutes / lb = 160 to 200 minutes).

Do I need to brine my turkey?

It's optional. Some customers brine it and love it, while others don't brine it and love it.

Turkey Prep Sample



Sample Weight

20 lb Turkey
10 lb Half Turkey

Thawing in Refrigerator

96 Hours (4 Days) 48 Hrs (2 Days)

Thawing in Water

12 Hours
6 Hours

Cook Time

160 to 200 minutes (2 Hours, 40 minutes) 160 to 200 minutes (2 Hours, 40 minutes)1
1 Half turkeys are cut lengthwise down the middle, so that you will receive either the left or right side of the turkey (includes a breast, leg thigh, and wing). It might sound confusing at first, but because of how Half Turkeys are cut, its common to use twice the weight to determine cook time-- since it takes the same amount of time to cook the meat through to the bone as if it were a whole bird.