For delivery to one of 23 neighborhood locations, or at the Whiffletree Farm Store
If you have a confirmed order in for our Fall Sale, the pick up date is DECEMBER 7. See you then!
Never had backyard hens? Find a few starter tips here. Ask a question here.
Please note that you are providing a home to LIVE ANIMALS when you submit your order. We are agreeing to care for those animals up until the designated pick up days. And we plan and use the space we have on the farm, counting on the dates the hens will be relocated to good homes. When you place an order, you are committing to picking up during our pick up windows, and owning the hens you purchase.
Seasonal Flock Availability
Whiffletree typically sells its hens 2 times a year:
Spring Sale [pick up end of May/June]
Fall Sale [pick up Nov/Dec]
* Hens can be purchased anytime they are available in our online store. But pickup only occurs during 1 pick up window designated at nightfall for each seasonal sale. Whiffletree does not allow pick up of hens outside these seasonal windows.
Helpful Tips for Hen Care
Have a Hen Question? Ask Your Farmer!