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Begin or expand your flock...
and enjoy your own farm fresh eggs!

Our laying hens raised on pasture with non-GMO feed and no antibiotics

Never had backyard hens? Find a few starter tips here. Ask a question here.

How to Reserve + Get Your Live Hens

1 We Raise

We typically run 2 annual flocks of about 1,000 hens. These "Red Sex Link" chickens are raised on pasture with non-GMO feed and no antibiotics. By the time of the hen sale, these birds are around 18 to 19 months old with many eggs yet to lay.

2 You Reserve

Check hen availability, decide your quantity, and place your reservation. We'll process your order in 1 to 3 days, and send you an email confirmation with instructions.

3 You Pick Up

You'll come to Whiffletree farm to pick up your hens. You'll bring crates or boxes to carry your hens home in. More pick up instructions will be emailed after placing your reservation.


Please note that you are providing a home to LIVE ANIMALS when you submit your order. We are agreeing to care for those animals up until the designated pick up days. And we plan and use the space we have on the farm, counting on the dates the hens will be relocated to good homes. When you place an order, you are committing to picking up during our pick up windows, and owning the hens you purchase.

Seasonal Flock Availability

Whiffletree typically sells its hens 2 times a year:

Spring Sale [pick up end of May/June]

Fall Sale [pick up Nov/Dec]

* Hens can be purchased anytime they are available in our online store. But pickup only occurs during 1 pick up window designated at nightfall for each seasonal sale. Whiffletree does not allow pick up of hens outside these seasonal windows.

All our hens have been raised getting fresh pasture daily, free to scratch and forage as long as the sun is up. The nutrition they find on lush lands ends up in their eggs we consume. We never use GMO feed or antibiotics. Our hens are healthy, happy, and ready to join your family!

Helpful Tips for Hen Care

Hen, Chicken, Rooster?

(It's ok to ask that question!)

A CHICKEN is the whole species. Then there's the HEN -- a female chicken (the ones who lay the eggs). And the ROOSTER is the male chicken.

Simple as that!

The 'Red Sex Link' Breed

It's hybrid breed known for 'egg-cellent' egg production! With an average of 275 large brown eggs per year, you won't find better layers

The average weight of each chicken is around 6 to 7 lbs. And being active but docile, this breed can handle smaller flocks and a good bit of human interaction.

Hen Care

Your chickens will enjoy an enclosed area for protection against predators, especially overnight. They love free-ranging or being in a run.

Make sure they have constant water access, and at least a 1/4 lb feed per chicken per day (we use Sunrise Farms non-GMO layer feed). Remember, chickens also love kitchen scraps!

Nesting + Roosting

Your hens with need an area to nest and lay eggs. Hens like cozy dark spaces for laying, with a minimum of 1 square ft per laying box. A rule of thumb is 1 box for every 6 chickens.

Layer hay or other material in the boxes, and freshen once a week. Also, hens like to roost at night-- sleeping elevated above the ground on a horizontal surface like branches or pieces of bamboo.

Egg Care

You don't have to wash your eggs, but you certainly can. If you do wash them, you'll probably want to store them in a cool dry place or refrigerator until use. They can last about 4 to 5 weeks if stored properly.

Eggs can be preserved longer (even up to 12 months in some cases). Do your own research on the old-fashioned methods like 'Water Glassing.' Let us know your results!

About Molting

The hens turn 18 months a few months after the season's Hens Sale (Spring or Fall, respectively). They will enter their first molt at that time.

This means their egg production will be decreasing but will pick back up again within 4 to 6 weeks. Once their production resumes, you should get 4 to 5 eggs per chicken per week with proper water, lighting, and feed access.

Have a Hen Question? Ask Your Farmer!