NEW: Free delivery for orders over $125!

Sunrise Feed -- Available at our Farm Store Only!

Sunrise Feed -- Available at our Farm Store Only!

Non-GMO. 50 lb bags

Our usual feed offerings are:

Swine feed...............$21.00
Soy-free swine..........$24.00
Soy-free hen layer......$24.00
Hen layer
................ $20.50
Chick starter
............ $22.00
Soy-free chick starter
.................... $22.00
Soy-free broiler

A full list of feed can be found at Sunrise Farms

How to place a custom order (of feeds we don't keep in stock):

EMAIL YOUR ORDER Special or bulk orders are to be emailed to with your name, contact information, product name, and quantity. Orders received by 5pm on Wednesday will be ordered and available for pickup the following Monday afternoon. Special orders received after 5pm on Wednesday will not be placed until the following week, and will be available the week after that for pickup Monday afternoon.

MAKE AN ACCOUNT A Whiffletree Farm website account is necessary for special or bulk orders. Make your account here. Then place your card on file here.

WE'LL CREATE YOUR ORDER Once your order is confirmed through email, we will create an online order for you and charge the card on file. You will receive a receipt to the email on file.

PICK UP YOUR ORDER Pickup will be at the Whiffletree Farm Store during store hours: M - F 11AM to 5PM; Sa 10AM to 5PM